Best Practice in Feedback & Complaints for Residential Aged Care
Stay out of the cross hairs of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
Key Features
Mapped to the Aged Care Quality Standards
SIRS notifications ensure compliance
$10 fee supplement reporting
Accessible in 80 languages
Available 24/7. Anywhere. Anytime.
In-depth yet simple reports help spot trends
Unparalleled Industry Experience
We're experienced Aged Care nurses, managers and consultants having each worked in aged care for over 20 years. We looked at feedback systems from other industries but none of it did what is needed. We've designed Tell Touch explicitly for aged care.

Christine Brodrick Co-Founder

Diana Cooper Co-Founder

“Just about every issue in aged care comes down to poor communication. If you get communication right, everything else falls into place. Encouraging feedback and complaints starts the conversation. Achieve efficiencies driven by effective communication.”

3 reasons why Tell Touch is now a Must Have
- Address the recommendations delivered in Royal Commission into Aged Care;
- Meet the new regulations of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission; and
- Easily meet the $10 fee supplement reporting requirements.
Practically, you can't do this without a digital feedback and complaints system. You won't find a better system than Tell Touch.
The Time Is Now
Paper-based feedback

Full digital solution

Catch Issues before they get to the commission
Tackle issues before they fester. Anecdotally, the reporting of almost all issues to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission could have been averted if there was better communication and it was addressed earlier.
Pays for itself
“Across private industries, successful projects for optimizing the customer experience typically achieve revenue growth of 5 to 10 per cent and achieve cost reductions of 15 to 25 per cent within just two or three years.”
Key Features
Mapped to the Aged Care Quality Standards
SIRS notifications ensure compliance
$10 fee supplement reporting
Accessible in 80 languages
Available 24/7. Anywhere. Anytime.
In-depth yet simple reports help spot trends
Non-compliance Defiance 6×6 Guarantee
If you use Tell Touch and you get a Standard 6 non-compliance (Feedback and complaints), get 6-months free.
The only way to handle feedback & complaints
“Just about every issue in aged care comes down to poor communication. If you get communication right, everything else falls into place. Encouraging feedback and complaints starts the conversation. Achieve efficiencies driven by effective communication.”

Government Grants Now Available
The Department of Health and the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) are providing grants (GO5672) to “address gaps in service delivery and trial and implement new and innovative service delivery models”. A number of our customers have successfully funded Tell Touch through the grant. Contact us to find out more.
You're in good company

Listen to us on the Innovate for ImpactPodcast
“We see [Tell Touch] as being a much more proactive approach than scheduled satisfaction surveys which only captures a-moment-in-time. From a governance perspective, the Tell Touch system provides us with reports that allows us to monitor our performance, support compliance and address emerging issues quickly.”
“Our consumers and their representatives are as thrilled as we are to be able to respond to their feedback promptly. [Tell Touch has] developed a system which is simple-to-use, easy-to-access and with high-level reporting capabilities. We have certainly moved out of the 20th century paper-based system into the digital world of the 21st century. Thank you. ”
“No other system can do what you have done! They use to say cash is king but in aged care Information is king and Tell Touch provides this. The process is easy to complete. There's no wasted time, no paperwork and it's fully compliant.”
Note, photos are stock photos, not those of the person giving the testimonial. The testimonial are real!
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